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An illustration of the number 1000 in different styles, mimicking the variety in art prompts.

1000 original prompts

The Art Prompts Newsletter will send you a new prompt every day, for 1000 days!

An illustration of an open envelope with the Art Prompts logo.

Straight into your inbox

The prompts will be sent to your email inbox, so they’re easy to access from any device, anytime.

An illustration of the Art Prompts logo on an award.

Exclusive prompts

Two of the prompts sent to you every week will be exclusive – prompts that cannot be seen anywhere else than the newsletter.

An illustration of a closed lockbox.

Secret reward

If and when you get to the end of the newsletter, you will receive a Super Secret Reward™.

Get inspired every single day

Get the inspiration you need to draw, every day, easily accessible from your own email inbox by signing up via the form below!